Tuesday 15 July 2014


Officially graduated! :)

It's such a surreal feeling, honestly. Donning the graduation gown & mortar board, limbing the stairs up to the stage (taking care not to trip and fall), shaking hands with the dean and receiving my scroll (or rather a blank folder haha) ... it's really the end of student life! A bittersweet feeling, thinking back at how much I've grown in these last four years. I'm really gonna miss school though! Although I'm really not a sentimental person when it comes to institutions (as in the school itself), but already, I miss the life, and the friends. The thought of not being able to see them as often as we get swept up into the world of working life, sigh :'(

Really thankful that I made such incredible friendships throughout my university life though! :') Some of the BEST friendships of my life, and I'm so sure that we can keep this up for the rest of our lives, which is such a wonderful thing to know :')

So much love! <3<3<3 Missing thad from the picture, but I'm so excited to receive our photoshoot pictures!! :) So so so many memories with this bunch. I'm so glad that we stuck together even though none of us made it through ballare haha. Never thought I would have ever made such close friends in a CCA, since it never was the case for me in the past. But we somehow just clicked, and I'm so thankful for a friend in every single one of these people. Almost every major (or minor) moment in university involves this bunch, and these were the happiest memories of my university life ^^ It's incredible how much we went through together! Studying together, pouring our hearts out to each other, chatting about anything&everything under the sun, catching the world cup together, travelling together (we must do that more!!), and now, graduating together :) So many things I treasure about the friendships with these people <3

Missing Dom & Shan! But hehh, these friends have seen me through the most shitty and unglamorous moments of university - OCSP and Nepal (the thought of it just kills me hahaha) - and still love me for it :) So happy that we've all finally found jobs just before officially graduating! <3 Having gone through some of the most challenging times together, I'm sure we'll go a long, long way :)

BFF :))))))) It was so unexpected that we ended up in the same university and same course together, and bidded for ALL our modules together #notkidding. Hehe so thankful for this girl <3 How we are so similar in personality and can understand each other so well because of that! (: Every time I chat with her reminds me why we're best friends, even if we haven't talked for a long time. Photo with our families together because we're almost like family to each other (: Love!!

To my biggest love, I'm so glad we're graduating together! :') You've been the BEST BEST BEST thing that has happened to me in the whole of my university life :) I'm so blessed to have you, and thank you for your being my greatest pillar of support in the past 2 years. Looking forward to creating even more memories with you as we move on to our next phase of life <3 I love you!!!!!!

Couldn't have done this without the most important people in my life :'))) Despite all the ups and downs, they've been the constant in my life, keeping me sane & happy hehe ^^ Wouldn't trade them for the world <3 Missing yi :( Come back soon!!!

It's a wrap! Thanks for the beautiful flowers, mummy & Sam's mummy :):) 

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