Sunday, 25 January 2015


Hello, again!

It's been more than a month, I know. I've been finding it so difficult to get the motivation to update this space again. My weekends have been zooming past, but they were pretty fruitful, which is great (: The constant conflict of whether to engage myself in other activities or return to this space has been tugging at me though. I know that the longer I drag, the harder it'll become. So here I am! Going to try to be a little more conscientious in keeping this alive. I do miss writing here!! 

So, it seems as though January has gone by in a flash. We're almost done with the first month of 2015! And I never did get around to my Christmas/New Year posts for 2014. Oops. But better late than never, right?

Our pre-Christmas fattie date! My partner-in-crime for yummy food yay. Although his diet is probably much healthier than mine nowadays. Puts me to shame. But glad that we can still indulge once in awhile! 

Christmas Eve was a wonderfully festive affair with this bunch :)) Finally our overdue photo which I didn't get to take whilst in Melbourne because I was in such a fluster on my last morning there! Always love the festivities at their house. And thankfully I ended work on time that day :) 

Ushered in the New Year with a sumptuous feast with the hopers :) Lots of talented boyfriend chefs here, hehe. We ate so much good food, and there was still more left over for days after that. It's always so hard for us to meet up in a huge group but hopefully 2015 will be a more successful year of gatherings for us!

Finally had our first ever beach date since we got together xx
It's unbelievable how we've never had a proper picnic together till this date! The weather was never cooperative enough. Which reminds me...I miss the cooling weather already :'( The windy January weather was over way too early. I'm just crazy about good weather. Those gloomy skies and strong winds are a blessing in Singapore, though I hated it when I was in Europe. I could rave about this forever. 

Celebrated two birthdays in one go! So happy to have colleagues whom I'm happy to spend time with even outside of work :)) Miss these girls already now that we're all at different places! Let's have another brunch date soon! 

And that's all for now, will be back soon! 

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